just like forever since he told me in a sort message that he will be so bussy this night. 4 hours ago. 'till now...uh. right here i kno, since when i decided to be a girfriend of an anak band errrgh sud i call it, boyband? eww
i mean, he's a guitar player.
oh, no. not just as a guitar player. He could play anything he want! proudly.
GAH! here i am, right now, feels so lonely uh. up up up!
forget that blahshit. i just taken some picture from evita nuh's blog
many pict of her. love them!
and this is i love the most,
ah, it's quietly wonderfull. I think that i shud ask egy to capture some picture of me just like this hehe
Discussions about her fashion sense and her age rise here and there. In which she wisely confirm that she's not yet decide anything. She loves fashion and photography now but she still has a long long way to go. A long post about that in "come to my wonderland". This time, she carries an unusual wisdom for a children her age (she's 11 by then). But, contrasting to her writing, she dress herself up as Alice and plays part as a child. Later I realize.. maybe it's not a juxtapose this time. Alice is a representation of a child growing up in her own way. Just like Evita Nuh. Love her-
more info, please fisit her blog by ur self then. really ah-mazing:D
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